Call to worship

The family gathers to worship God in unity.

Apostles Creed

All family confesses faith in unity through the Apostle’s Creed.


A family member prays in thanking God and asking Him to receive this worship in pleasure.

Scripture & Application

  1. After Haman plotted to carry out a Jewish Genocide, the table has turned against him, ending in a tragic end for the enemy of God’s people. In a sense, God will one day respond to the evil of the society with His justice and might. As we await God’s deliverance the same way He delivered the Jews, discuss what His deliverance would look like in your life and how you can weather out the difficult seasons better in faith.
  2. Mordecai and Esther were regarded with honor and dignity at the end of Chapter 9. You, too, will be used by God in mighty ways! How can you contribute to the Kingdom movement and purposes as we read today’s passage?
  3.  In Chapter 10, it says Mordecai worked for the good of his people and spoke up for the welfare of all the Jews. In a sense, God uses those who work for the good of His people, not just for selfish glory. How can we work for the good of our people and speak up for the welfare of everyone in our communities?


    One Praise Song appropriate for the family.

    Closing Prayer

    A family member prays to close the worship service, then everyone
    recites the Lord’s Prayer.

    Image reference