Call to worship

The family gathers to worship God in unity.

Apostles Creed

All family confesses faith in unity through the Apostle’s Creed.


A family member prays in thanking God and asking Him to receive this worship in pleasure.

Scripture & Application

1. Read verses 8-17. How could this have happened to God’s temple? Where was God and why did he let this happen? Do you ever feel like God isn’t there? Please share with each other.

2. Read verses 27-30. Why would the king of Babylon treat the king of Judah nicely? Do you think it might have been God’s promise to David to protect his family? Have you ever made a promise with God? Did you keep it or break it? Share with each other.


    One Praise Song appropriate for the family.

    Closing Prayer

    A family member prays to close the worship service, then everyone
    recites the Lord’s Prayer.

    Image reference